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  • Geographic Information System


After cleaning and analyzing data, I created visualizations using excel and QGIS for 29 townships in Champaign County. Then I created ADA accessible fact sheet using Adobe InDesign.

I examined the implementation of Smart Mobility programs in Singapore and Chicago to understand to what extent Smart Cities initiatives are alleviating transportation challenges. My research relied on ArcGIS statistical analysis tools and the poster was created with Adobe InDesign.

Using Spatial Statistics and multi-criteria evaluation tools in ArcMap, my four group mates and I visualized gun violence data and distribution throughout Chicago. After cross-examining these with the coverage of existing trauma centers, life expectancy, and trauma-related death rates, our report allow for a greater understanding of areas in need of trauma centers.

Research and Analysis
  • Research and Analysis


Worked in a team of three, we created a analysis for Santa Monica, CA, to assess the financial well-being of the city. I gathered data from the census and reviewed their biennial budget to generate a community and fiscal profile of the city using Excel.

After gaining a comprehensive knowledge of state and local finance of the United States, I wrote a professional memo to the City to recommend a new policy (local internet sales tax) for this class assignment.


A combination of Per Capital Multiplier and Proportional Valuation methods are adopted to evaluate the local fiscal costs and revenues associated with the Pumpkin Hollow Neighborhood Development Plan. Excel was used to perform the analysis.


As Informational and Communications Technologies (ICTs) are enabling an increasing amount and better quality of everyday activities to be conducted online, it is a common belief that virtual mobility would challenge existing urban form designed for spatially-separated activities. Meanwhile, scholars are considering the direct impacts ICTs have on transportation. These bring up the questions of to what extent do online services influence travel behaviors and how planning initiatives should address the short- and long- term changes. This literature review finds both indirect and direct influences that ICTs have on travel behaviors in terms of activity-travel and transportation, yet the overall impact remains uncertain. It conducts a framework for further empirical research and provides planning implications regarding the travel behaviors influenced by ICTs.

Strategic Planning
  • Strategic Planning

Conceptualizing the process of land use change, the five of us proposed an Area Improvement Plan for the North Prospect Regional Commercial Center for the anticipated retail climate change challenge. We recommended three phases for the implementation of our strategies - promoting a mixed-use center with enhanced urban design and balanced businesses. Besides brainstorming and presenting ideas, I researched and created business strategies for our approach.


I worked in a group of five to examine the ongoing decline in Big Box Retail and its land use planning implications in Champaign. I analyzed the development prospects of retail industry and provided rationale for our approach which was focused on urban design and business viability with ArcMap and Excel.

I played as the role of an Urban Designer in this group project to put up an development plan for a site for the City of Champaign. After we brainstormed our concept, I reviewed the land use and zoning rules and used SketchUp to develop 3D images of our proposed development.


In this class assignment, I represented the City to draft an RFP. I summarized the condition of the site and the area, used Adobe Illustrator to create location maps, and formatted the document in Adobe InDesign.

Collaborating with five classmates, we proposed a redevelopment plan for a site in Chicago. I was in charge of the outline, the SketchUp rendering and formatting the document in Adobe InDesign.


Incorporated skills of memo writing, Adobe InDesign, argument forming and site analysis into an report on advocating Complete Streets in Campustown of University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.


Incorporated skills of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign to create context maps, site plan and visioning for a central plaza in downtown Champaign.

  • Others


A group observation, interview and blogging presentation of the connection between Chinese restaurants and topics of history, gender, labor and consumers.


Interactive maps of telling the story of three cities in the world.

Beijing, China:

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico:

Johannesburg, South Africa:

Google Story Map

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